FinalBuilder Server - Build Metrics

To get a quick insight into trends of your build project, numbers are not enough; which is why FinalBuilder Server provides interactive flash charts for key build metrics. FinalBuilder Server pulls data from your compilers, unit testing tools and help compilers to present you with an insightful overview of the key metrics of your automated build process.

To access the data behind these graphs, you can hover the mouse cursor over any point in time on the chart. You can also zoom from your project’s entire time line to examine in detail trends over a given period of time or number of builds.


Compiler Errors

Important information about the trends in compiler errors and compiler warnings for each build are immediately visible in the compiler trends chart.


Unit test results

A key element of eXtreme programming, and a necessity for test driven development (TDD), automated unit tests provide many benefits. When unit test results are combined, and charted over the life of a software development project, they also provide valuable insights; which is why FinalBuilder Server provides build metrics for unit test.


Help compiler errors

Providing quality documentation about your software to your end users helps ensure their satisfaction. To enable you to provide excellent documentation and easily measure its growth and improvement over time, FinalBuilder Server provides metrics for key indicators of your help compiler.